Armatures: Lenze

LENZE offers a large variety of motors for several different industries and applications. A.C. & D.C., Gearbox, Servos, and more. Eurton can repair and rewind them all, from small to large!

Peerless, ABB, Kollmorgen, 31 BAR Tach Rotor / Armature Rewind
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $425.00 1-2023
29 BAR Tach Rotor / Armature Rewind
Application: Tach
Price: $375.00 1-2018
Fanuc, Sanyo Denki, Lenze, 33 BAR Tach Rotor / Armature Rewind
Application: Tach
Price: $575.00 4-2024
Lenze, Thalheim, 29 BAR Tach Rotor / Armature Rewind
Application: Tach
Price: $525.00 7-2023