Motors: Engel

ENGEL offers a large variety of equipment for several different industries. Both A.C. & D.C. motors. Motors, gear motors, pumps, fans, and more! Eurton repairs and rewinds them all! Eurton Electric repairs and rewinds all Engel electric motors.

Engel Three Phase Synchronous Motor Repair and Rewinding
Price: Call, or E-Mail for a repair price and delivery
Engel Servo Motor Repair and Rewinding
Price: Call, or E-Mail for a repair price and delivery
Engel GNM 3175-IG7.5 100 Watt Servo Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $625.00 4-2024
ENGEL AKM53L-ANSNGF02 2.18KW PM Servo Motor Repair
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $1,250.00 1-2024
ENGEL GNM 8070/4-1G7.5, 500 Watt DC Motor Repair/Rewind
Price: $575.00 4-2024
Engel GNM Series DC Motor Repair & Rewinding
Price: $375.00 -$575.00 Most Models 4-2024
Engel Motor Repair and Rewinding
Price: Call, or E-Mail for a repair price and delivery