Motors: Homag

HOMAG offers a large variety of equipment for the woodworking industry. Edgebanders, routers, and more. Eurton repairs and rewinds them all!

Homag Motor Repair and Rewind
Price: Call, or Email for price and delivery
Homag LS-40-C 168063 0.15KW Edgebander Motor Rewinding
Application: Wood Working Equipment
Price: $850.00 2-2022
Homag 524605 .18KW Motor Repair and Rewinding
Application: Spindles
Price: $850.00 4-2022
Homag 4-075-01-0202, LF-40CKA,  0.18KW Edgebander Motor Repair
Application: Wood Working Equipment
Price: $850.00 4-2022