Motors: ICON Fitness

ICON Fitness manufactures treadmills and other fitness equipment. Eurton Electric repairs, rebuilds and rewinds all type of ICON Fitness equipment electric motors.

ICON Fitness Treadmill Motor Rebuilding (Most Models)
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $185.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 2-2023 (most models)
McMillan, ICON C3354B3008, M-147891 Treadmill Motor Rebuilding
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025
Proform, ICON C3364B3421, M-215392 2.8 HP Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 10-2024
Proform, ICON, McMillan M-220686 2.25 HP Treadmill Motor Rebuilding
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 1-2024
ICON Fitness, Nordic Track, Proform M-189464 C3440B3288 Treadmill Motor Repair
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 1-2024
ICON,Image, Nordictrack, Healthrider, Proform Reebok, M-175666 Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 1-2024
ICON Fitness M-180742, PM DC Model C3364B3220 Motor Rebuilding
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $175.00 Major Rebuild $345.00 2-2020
Nordictrack, Image NTTL 25904, M-190528, 22374100 3HP Treadmill Motor Rebuilding
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023