Motors: Pacific Scientific

PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC offers a large variety of motors for several different industries and applications. A.C. & D.C., Treadmills, Servos, and more. Eurton can repair and rewind them all, from small to large!

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True Fitness, Pacific Scientific PWM3640-5396-7 Treadmill Motor Repair
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2024
True Fitness, Pacific Scientific PWM3616-5329-7-2 Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023
Pacific Scientific MS5750V01, F1549 Motor Repair
Price: $1,450.00 1-2024
Pacific Scientific PWM5330-5711-45B Treadmill Motor Repair
Price: Normal Rebuild $325.00 Major Rebuild $575.00 1-2024
PRECOR, Pacific Scientific PWM3624-5579-7-1 Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 9-2023
Pacific Scientific PWM3652-5458-4 Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $245.00 Major Rebuild $425.00
LifeFitness TR Series Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025
Pacific Scientific 1.5 HP Permanent Magnet DC Motor Repair
Price: $550.00 8-2021 Models
Pacific Scientific 1 HP Permanent Magnet DC Motor Repair
Price: $475.00 10-2022 Most Models
Pacific Scientific 1/2 HP Permanent Magnet DC Motor Repair
Price: $425.00 8-2023 Most Models
Pacific Scientific 1/3 HP Permanent Magnet DC Motor Repair
Price: $375.00 Most Models 11-2022
Precor, Pac Sci, C962, C964, C966 Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 7-2023
Pacific Scientific PWM3632-5313-7-3 Treadmill Motor Rebuilding
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2024
Pacific Scientific SR3628-5172-2 Treadmill Motor Repair
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2024

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