Motors: Siemens

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the industry, energy and healthcare sectors. For over 160 years, Siemens has stood for technical achievements, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality.

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Siemens Motor Repair and Rewind
Price: Call, Fax, Email for price and delivery
Siemens Simotics 1FT6086-1AF71-4EH1 Servo Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $1,850.00 2-2025
Siemens 1LE23213AB212AA3 50 HP Motor Repair & Rewinding
Price: $7,450.00 1-2025
Eaton, Siemens, Ryobi, Powell, RY120 Switchgear Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Switchgear / Charging Motor
Price: $475.00 10-2024
Siemens 1FT6105-8AC71-1TA0 SIMOTICS S Synchronous Servo Motor Repair
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $5,750.00 1-2025
Siemens 1FT6041-4AF71-4AG0 Servo Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $1,450.00 6-2024
Siemens 1FK7063-5AF71-1PAO Servo Motor Repair
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $1,750.00 7-2024
Siemens 15FSV-750-1200-58, 32500184214 Switchgear Breaker Motor Rewinding
Application: Switchgear / Charging Motor
Price: $525.00 5-2024
Ziehl Abegg, Siemens MK106-4DK.14.U .48KW Fan Motor Repair
Application: Blowers & Fans
Price: $950.00 4-2024
Siemens 1FT61346SF711EG0 Simotics S Synchronous Servomotor Repair & Rewind
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $5,250.00 4-2023
Siemens 1FT61346SF711EG0 Simotics S Synchronous Servomotor Repair & Rewind
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $5,250.00 4-2023
Siemens, SIMOTICS 1FT71055SF714BA0 Synchronous Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Servo Motors
Price: $5,250.00 2-2023
Siemens, Ametek 18469223002 Switchgear Charging Motor Rewinding
Application: Switchgear / Charging Motor
Price: $475.00 2-2024
Ziehl Abegg MK165-6DK.18.U 1.7KW, 2KW Fan Motor Rewinding
Application: Blowers & Fans
Price: $2,450.00 5-2024
Ziehl-Abegg ,Siemens MK165-4DK.24.U 1.7KW Fan Motor Repair & Rewinding
Application: Blowers & Fans
Price: $2,350.00 4-2022
Siemens 1PC30051CA700AA4, 15KW Motor Repair & Rewinding
Price: $3,250.00 4-2022
Siemens, Von Weise 71-340-297-001 Switchgear Charging Motor Rewinding
Application: Switchgear / Charging Motor
Price: $475.00 2-2024
Rosenberg E67-50065 AKSD-500-4 Axial Condenser Fan Motor Repair
Application: Blowers & Fans
Price: $950.00 4-2022

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