Motors: Treadmills
Eurton Electric repairs and rewinds electric motors for treadmills. All manufactures and models. Commercial and residential fitness machines. Type your model into the search box above for help finding your model.
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PRECOR, Pacific Scientific PWM3624-5579-7-1 Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 9-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 9-2023

Pacific Scientific PWM3652-5458-4 Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $245.00 Major Rebuild $425.00
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $245.00 Major Rebuild $425.00

Leeson C6T170B5A Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $185.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 8-2021
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $185.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 8-2021

LifeFitness TR Series Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025

LifeFitness 9100 0K26-01540-0000 Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 1-2025

True Fitness 825ZTX, 00311500, 00296500 or 00326000 Treadmill Motor Rebuild
Application: Treadmills
Price: $525.00 11-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: $525.00 11-2023

Leeson C4D34DZ15C 3 HP Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $185.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 2-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $185.00 Major Rebuild $375.00 2-2023

Cybex / Trotter 300T Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 4-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 4-2023

Cybex / Trotter 500 Series Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major $525.00 8-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major $525.00 8-2023

Cybex / Trotter 400T Series Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 8-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $525.00 8-2023

Star Trac, Pro Tread, Magnetek Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023

Precor, Pac Sci, C962, C964, C966 Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 7-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 7-2023

Precor, Leeson, C954, C956, C966 A.C. Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $650.00 4-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $650.00 4-2023

Precor, C932, C946, 2 HP, A.C. Treadmill Motor Repair
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $650.00 4-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Minor Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $650.00 4-2023

NordicTrack, Image, Epic, Wieder Treadmill Motor Repair Most Models
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 Most Models 1-2025
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 Most Models 1-2025

Image Treadmill Motor Repair 22372100
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023

Image Treadmill Motor Repair 232275
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023
Application: Treadmills
Price: Normal Rebuild $225.00 Major Rebuild $425.00 10-2023