Stators: Baldor

Baldor Electric Company manufacture energy efficient electric motors, adjustable speed drives, AC motors, industrial grinders, linear motors, and DC motors. BALDOR offers a large variety of motors for several different industries and applications. Eurton can repair and rewind them all, from small to large! A.C. & D.C., Gearbox, Servos, and more.

Baldor P10603-7 AC Tachometer Generator Stator Rewinding
Application: Tach
Price: $1,250.00 1-2025
Baldor XPY DC Tachometer PTG100 XPS Tach Stator Rewind
Application: Tach
Price: $1,250.00 2-2023
Baldor 10603-7 AC Tachometer Generator Stator Rewind
Application: Tach
Price: $1,250.00 1-2025
Baldor/Boehm PT-4060140, 17579AE Pizza Oven Motor Repair
Application: Restaurant Equipment
Price: $425.00 1-2024